Idea - FICS


Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Fatima GullOtherUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Armughan Bin KamranOtherUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Amna KhalilOtherUndergraduateFourth[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
Do you need expertises from another area: No
If Yes please provide details of expertises you need: From IBM/CLAI

Idea Details

Idea Name: Remote-CLAI
Slogan: Remote Access for user
Supervisor Name: Umar Mahmud
Supervisor Designation: Assistant Professor
Supervisor School: Other
Supervisor Department: Software Engineering
Contact number: 03425554877
Email ID: [email protected]
    The system is going to provide remote access. It is a web based application. The system will convert natural language processing (NLP) into commands. We also facilitate user with suggested commands.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    The need is such that out there many people spend their day and night programming and many times they tackle situations that can be tricky for them. We are not promising to give commands to every natural language that is written there, but just giving users something to rely on at the time of need.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   Everyone who works on programming needs it. Its making life easier for them, they'll just enter something in natural language and our system will convert those into commands. Adding on we will also be providing remote access to the user.
How will the solution works
    The system will provide a user friendly interface through which users can submit query in natural language. By employing NLP, queries will be translated to commands. A repository will be maintained so that once user types some query the system will check if such information is already stored then it’ll preview the command. We will be also adding features that were not previously available like history, commands, login and the most important remote access.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    Our competitors will surely be those who are providing likewise functions on the internet, we're being one step ahead by giving remote access to the system and by proving add on features like providing search history, authentication, suggestions. All NLP based systems.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2021-12-14 (0835)