Idea - FICS


Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Ahmed BilalSMMEUndergraduateThird[email protected]
Muhammad AbdullahSMMEUndergraduateThird[email protected]
Momina ShakeelSMMEUndergraduateThird[email protected]

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Idea Details

Idea Name: MA'AB
Slogan: The U-V Solution
Supervisor Name: Dr. Adnan Munir
Supervisor Designation: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
Supervisor School: SMME
Supervisor Department: Department of Mechanical Engineering
Contact number: 0518866041
Email ID: [email protected]
    Ultraviolet light can neutralize 99% of microbiological contamination in water. MA'AB aims at the development of odor-free, smart water bottles equipped with ultraviolet technology. This portable purifier can ensure the availability of clean water in a steel casing. Providing solutions to pressing problems of water contamination and meeting the United Nations' sustainable development goals.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    Pakistan ranks 80th in water quality globally. Pathogens in communal water sources cause waterborne illnesses. A revolutionary solution to tackle this issue and shrink the plastic footprint in Pakistan is needed as local bottled water distributors are not worth the environmental and economic toll.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   15-20% of Pakistanis use bottled water due to concerns about tap water safety while others are financially constrained to rely on it. MA'AB is a reliable public health tool directly benefiting hygiene-conscious individuals and a large population that may be at risk for using unsafe drinking water.
How will the solution works
    MA'AB will consist of a stainless-steel bottle with a UV light unit beneath its cap. Upon pressing the button, low wavelength UVC light will be emitted, eliminating up to 99.99% of waterborne pathogens. Water can be purified in seconds and stored without the risk of stinking. These portable purifiers can be easily used in homes, offices, and areas with less access to clean drinking water. It will reduce the use of plastic bottles, which is a positive step toward achieving UN's SDGs.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    With no product like ours in Pakistan, we face only worldwide competition. Our goal is to make it affordable for the general population while replacing the local plastic bottle market. We intend to create distinct attachments for various use cases, which will make us stand out from the competition.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2022-12-30 (1813)