The Art of Presenting a Good Idea

//The Art of Presenting a Good Idea

The Art of Presenting a Good Idea

Presenting an idea is to take it out of the chambers of your brain and introduce it to a sea of other minds, each of which operates a little different from your own. Every member of the audience sees your idea with a unique hue added by their own perception of things. To successfully transfer your vision of a design or an invention to all those minds is what makes the presentation an art.

So you’ve submitted an Idea

For starters, take a moment to congratulate yourself on being amongst the few who did so. You saw an opportunity and seized it. In the list of things one can do for themselves, not letting opportunities pass by is definitely up there.

Welcome to Stage Two

Now, it’s time to present your idea. Your brain child will now face the world, and it’s going to be judged. The good part is, you should already know the parameters of this judgement. FICS provides you with a complete evaluation criterion on it’s website for each stage of the competition. But the question remains, how do you present it?

Cover Everything:

The generation of an idea is just the first step in designing the entire process that will lead to the finished product or desired result. Explain your process chronologically and let the audience know that every tier of your process is well thought out and practical. If possible, try and anticipate the questions that could come your way. Don’t leave any loose ends untied.

Telling them why it’s Important:

Ideas, in isolation are simply procedures, designs or blueprints. And while having these blueprints is what has enabled you to participate in FICS, knowing what to do with them is just as important.

FICS is about designing solutions to problems faced by people in society. So don’t forget to include the exact problem for which you designed your idea in the first place. Mention the impact it could have, how it could save time, optimize a pre-existing protocol, or help save lives.

Person A and Person B

Your idea has a demographic, two actually. Let’s call them person A and B for now. Letting your audience know who these two are, is as important as letting them know your idea. Person A is the one whose problem your idea targets, Person B is the one who’ll manufacture your product or invest in it. While your idea itself is for person A, person B wants to know whether it’s executable, sustainable from a business point of view, and its ease of manufacturing.

With these things in mind, make your presentation, and let your efforts speak. Best of Luck!

By Dua-e-Fatima
Executive Publications FICS’ 22

By |2021-12-21T22:19:26+05:00December 20th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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