Idea - FICS

Solar Power System Assessments using ANN and Hybrid Boost Converter based MPPT Algorithm

Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Saad zahidElectrical EngineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
saad javedElectrical EngineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
usama farooqElectrical EngineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
Do you need expertises from another area: Yes
If Yes please provide details of expertises you need: Expert in simulation & Artifical intelligence

Idea Details

Idea Name: Solar Power System Assessments using ANN and Hybrid Boost Converter based MPPT Algorithm
Supervisor Name: Dr wakeel Khan
Supervisor Designation: Assistant Professor
Supervisor School: Other
Supervisor Department: Department of Electrical Engineering
Contact number: 03473269230
Email ID: [email protected]
    This project investigates AI technique, artificial neural network (ANN) and hybrid boost converter (HBC) based MPPT for improving the output power of solar plants. Artificial intelligence techniques have been extensively used for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in the solar power system.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    The load pressure on electrical power system is increased during last decade. The installation of new power generators take huge time and cost. Therefore, to manage current power demands, the solar plants are considered a fruitful solution.AI is a proper procedure in order to minimize balance output
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   The world needs solar energy in the post pandemic world. Arab countries and others can benefit it, they see them as a long-term energy solution. Solar energy is the cheapest form of power, especially in sunny regions.In the future, solar energy will undergo an amazing transformation.
How will the solution works
    The neural network technique consists of major amount of interconnected neurons. Each neuron includes a huge number of weighted links for transforming signals. In this the feed forward back propagation ANN is installed which contains logsig purelin and purelin activation functions based hidden layers. In offline step the ANN training is performed in terms of activation function structure and training algorithm.Online step the trained ANN based MPPT is applied to track MPP.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    Conventional MPPT techniques are incapable of tracking the global maximum power point (GMPP) under partial shading condition(PSC). ANN include exceptional accuracy in modelling non-linearity and resolving problems without any prior knowledge or any model,improve the tracking speed and accuracy.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2021-12-23 (0433)