Idea - FICS


Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Anza AbbasASABMastersSecond[email protected]
Hira NiazASABPhDThird[email protected]
Safa Mariyam ASABMastersSecond[email protected]
Andleeb KhizarASABMastersSecond[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
Do you need expertises from another area: No
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Idea Details

Idea Name: Phagobiotics
Slogan: Get rid of superbugs!
Supervisor Name: Dr. Fazal Adnan
Supervisor Designation: Assistant Professor
Supervisor School: ASAB
Supervisor Department: Industrial Biotechnology
Contact number: 03333122939
Email ID: [email protected]
    Extensive use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant bacteria and phages are the potential alternatives to treat MDR bacteria causing severe diseases in humans, animals and plants.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    The overall loss due to colibacillosis reached 28.79% of total poultry assets in Pakistan. An alarming level of antibiotic resistance is a global health threat decreasing the ability of antibiotics against infectious diseases. Our idea is to provide effective therapeutic solutions by phages.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   Poultry farmers, Poultry Research Institutes, Veterinarian, Epidemiologists, Livestock and Dairy Development Department, Public health sector and academia will be among the beneficiaries. Phage and enzybiotics would reduce the spread of disease resulting in better chicken health.
How will the solution works
    Avian pathogenic E. coli infections will be treated by the phages and particular phage enzymes. Purified enzybiotics have the potential to degrade bacterial cell walls more efficiently resulting in the death of pathogenic strains. There will be no harm to beneficial bacteria because enzybiotics target specific strains only.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    Our competitors are the researchers developing drugs and new antibiotics which take a lot of time and investment. But our solution is cost-effective as phages are abundantly present in the environment and also free of resistance issues.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2021-12-15 (1755)