Idea - FICS


Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Abdullah ChaudhryMCSUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Jahangeer TariqMCSUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Shehryar KhanMCSUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Usama NaeemMCSUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Muhammad Hassam ZafarCAEUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Muhammad Hassam ZafarCAEUndergraduateFourth[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
Do you need expertises from another area: No
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Idea Details

Idea Name: LISAAN
Slogan: Hear the unheard
Supervisor Name: Dr. Alina Mirza
Supervisor Designation: Assoc Prof
Supervisor School: MCS
Supervisor Department: Electrical Engineering Dept
Contact number: 03325139834
Email ID: [email protected]
    The idea of LISAAN is to develop a mobile phone app which can take the gestures from the physically impaired person as input, recognize it and give the corresponding text as output and contrariwise.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    Our community has many people who are unable to understand the things that normal people communicate. Special language is needed in order to communicate between hearing-impaired and normal people. A bidirectional communication assistant is the key.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   Our customer segment is directed at every person in this society who has access to mobile phones especially hearing-impaired people. Main needs of a customer that we are addressing include the real-time communication without the need of internet. Users can also learn the language in their time.
How will the solution works
    We will provide services in the form of an application based on ML. It will have two separate interfaces for the deaf and normal people while communicating each other. For a normal person, it’s just like a simple messaging app. He will write the sentence and related gestures approved from Pakistan Sign Language (PSL) will be displayed. The interface for deaf will have gesture input. Real-time image is processed, only the word(s) corresponding to that gesture will be displayed on screen.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    LISAAN will be the first app of its kind in Pakistan as we do not have any real-time application accessible to us. PSL itself has an app but doesnt

Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2021-12-09 (1902)