Idea - FICS

Memes Identifier

Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Zain Ul AbaidinCEMEUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Salman ur rahmanCEMEUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
M Afif ul hasnainCEMEUndergraduateFourth[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
Do you need expertises from another area: No
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Idea Details

Idea Name: Memes Identifier
Slogan: AI Model to Identify Hateful-Memes
Supervisor Name: Dr. Usman Akram
Supervisor Designation: PhD Doctor
Supervisor School: CEME
Supervisor Department: Computer Engineering
Contact number: 03336913921
Email ID: [email protected]
    A direct or indirect attack on people based on characteristics, including ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, caste, sex etc. And we are developing an AI Model to identify and remove this content
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    Our idea has a great need in social media life, many people are spreading hate through social media apps and our idea will not show that content to normal people and this way we will be able to make peace among us.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   As social media users are in billions so in this way it would be impactful to a very large community.
How will the solution works
    We have data to build an AI Model, our data consist of images and extracted written on them. First we will do image captioning using different Deep Learning and Machine Learning models to give caption. And then we will combine both texts, caption and the text that was written on image. And then using another machine learning model to make a sentiment about the meme and our Google extention will blur that meme on social media in run time.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    It's a Facebook launched competition, so our competitors are from all over the world, and from different places.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2021-01-11 (0345)