Idea - FICS

Write Right

Team and Contact Details

Student Name School Degree Year Email
Sameer AliSoftware engineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Talha Asifsoftware engineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]
Abdullah Maliksoftware engineeringUndergraduateFourth[email protected]

Inter School Idea ? No
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Idea Details

Idea Name: Write Right
Slogan: Write with confidence!
Supervisor Name: Sameer Ali
Supervisor Designation: Student
Supervisor School: Other
Supervisor Department: software engineering
Contact number: 03365025610
Email ID: [email protected]
    Write Right is an AI-based content-writing tool specially designed for physically disabled people. It allows user to interact through voice with the built-in virtual assistant in order to control the system and write high-quality content. It offers content generation, synonym suggestions, and better sentence recommendations. Now, physically disabled people can start earning from content writing.
What is the unmet need in society that your idea will fulfill ?
    Helping physically disabled people to earn from content writing.
Who needs it ? How many would benefit ?
   Physically disabled people Writers students Scholars
How will the solution works
    The solution works on the NLP techniques for understanding user commands. It also uses deep learning techniques for content generation. It keeps in view the user topic, starting content, and some other elements to generate sentences that save the user time.
Who are your competitors ? How is your solution different
    Grammarly and AI content tools are our competitors, but they lack voice interaction and some of them also lacks auto content generation. So, we will offer a platform where people can write high-quality content through voice and auto-content generation techniques.
Status: new
Entry Date & Time: 2022-12-19 (0636)